Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ocarina of Time: How It Feels to Give Up On the "Greatest Game Ever Made"

Greatest Game. Biggest Regret.
My name is Erin and I have a problem. I have a bad habit of not finishing video games. My collection is full of games that I have set aside for various reasons, hoping to eventually get back to them later. I regret every unfinished adventure, but the most heartbreaking entry on my growing list of "Games Still Awaiting Completion" is one many people consider the greatest game ever made: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

I can feel your disappointment.

After all, in the late 90's many kids grew up in Hyrule, traveling through time and defeating Ganondorf's monsters. But, I was extremely late to the party. We were well into the new millenium (2004/2005, maybe?) when I received a copy of the game from my older brother, who only heard that the game was good from a helpful sales associate. I didn't know much about the game--or anything about it, really--but I did understand that I had magic in my hands.

Soon, I found myself completely immersed in Link's adventures. Many of my days revolved around saving Zelda and Navi's "Hey! Listen!" kept ringing in my ears. The game could pretty much do no wrong in my eyes; even the Water Temple wasn't that bad. I finally understood what all the fuss was about.

And then I made it to the Shadow Temple. (Fear shot through me as I wrote that sentence. Real, unadulterated fear. That's just how much it still gets to me.) When I unlocked the temple, I didn't even go in at first. After Kakariko went up in flames, I just shut the system off and ignored it for a few days. Realizing that I was being unreasonable, I decided to not let a little darkness stand in my way. Link traveled into the depths of the dungeon as I sat on the edge of my bed in the middle of the afternoon with all the blinds open. And I still couldn't get through the first few moments. Haven't tried again since.

Now, let me say that I love Zelda. I have saved the princess and the land many times. My wall is currently showcasing the Club Nintendo Zelda poster set and one of my greatest possessions is the Phantom Hourglass Feather Pen Stylus. In my mind, it is one of the best game series ever created. But I hesitate to call myself a fan because of my irrational fear of completing what most people consider the pinnacle of the series. One day, I will scratch Ocarina of Time off my list. One day. Maybe.

Have you ever been too afraid to finish a game? Was it a title that isn't even supposed to be that scary? Did you overcome your fear?

More on my absolutely terrible track record:
Super Mario 64 and Why It Shouldn't Take Eight Years to Collect 120 Stars


  1. Hi just found your blog via 20sb! It didn't take me forever to finish Ocarina, but I never actually started playing it until last year. So, is it better to be late to the party, or to never leave?
    A new reader is me!

    1. I guess as long as you make it to the Zelda party somehow, it doesn't really matter. Better late than never. Thanks for stumbling into my corner, by the way!

  2. I still haven't finished Ocarina, but not out of fear. I doubt I even reached that level. I just have a bad habit of starting games and not finishing them because I'm easily distracted. I'm currently giving my Nintendo a rest while I shoot fire out of my hands in Skyrim. I'm also late to the Zelda party. I'm not sure how I've gone this long without playing any Zelda games, but I'm sure that needs to be remedied soon.

    P.S. Found you through 20SB.

    1. I'm the same way with a lot of games but this fear thing is pretty crazy, if I say so myself. There always seems to be a great series that kinda slips by people; it's a shame that it's Zelda a lot of the time. It's never too late! Thanks for commenting!

  3. I think we all have a list of unfinished games that's longer than we care to admit. I have beaten Ocarina of Time, but I never did finish A Link to the Past, for example. Aaaaaand I could list off a bunch of other examples, but that would be rather humiliating.

    1. Don't worry, here at Unfinished Games Anonymous we accept everyone. You are definitely not alone!

  4. Best of luck Erin! I got on the Zelda train really late and have only played any Zelda titles on the Wii & DS. That shit is HARD. I'm a quitter though so I know I'll never finish but I can see you have it in you. You can do it!

    1. Zelda games can be excruciating but that makes finishing them so much more rewarding. Thanks for the support! And don't give up! If I can do it, so can you!


Questions? Concerns? Disagree with me completely? Think that video games and fashion is a horrible combination and that I should go back to my (non-existant) day job?

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